Sweepstakes Management – Compare Services

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Sweepstakes Management – Compare Quotes

Finding the best sweepstakes management company is now easier than ever.

You don’t have to make a list a bunch of different services, spend hours playing phone tag, or keep calling to get your sweepstakes questions answered.


  • Sweepstakes management is recommended for most brands.
  • Sweepstakes management quotes make it easy to compare services.
  • Use Sweepsify to find a sweepstakes company that fits your promotion.

Compare Sweepstakes Management Quotes

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How to Compare Sweepstakes Management Quotes – Cost

When comparing sweepstakes management quotes, you need to take into consideration ongoing costs, which can vary greatly.

Most sweepstakes companies take an upfront fee to set up your promotion and account for the first time, then you may pay ongoing or one-time fees for your promotion.

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So how does the cost affect your overall ROI?

A sweepstakes company will quote you for a promotion based on it’s complexity with regard to the type of sweepstakes.

The sweepstakes quote takes into consideration whether you will need advanced tracking features and workflows, as well as, strategy or consulting, in addition to, sweepstakes management.

Sweepstakes Management Calculator

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Finding the Best Sweepstakes Management Quote

Is your sweepstakes budget the only factor in determining what sweepstakes management company to use?

While your sweepstakes budget is the most critical factor, it should not be the only factor.

You can easily see the difference in sweepstakes promotions that are run using only the bare minimum services.

To see how you can maximize your sweepstakes results, you need to request quotes from multiple sweepstakes companies.

If you have a limited in-house staff to assist you with your sweepstakes promotion, most sweepstakes management firms are able to handle everything for you, which would enable you to save money in the long-term instead of having to hire additional staff.

A professional sweepstakes management company greatly increases your chances of maximizing your sweepstakes ROI if you choose to have them design your promotion in addition to running it.

Also Read: 7 Steps to High Converting Social Media Contests: A Quick-Start Guide

However, with a fixed budget, your options may be more limited.

There are also other ways to reduce the costs of running a sweepstakes.

Sweepsify is designed to help you think about what goes into your technology stack before you request any quotes.

Sweepsify provides access to sweepstakes company and contest administration services offered by a network of provider sweepstakes management firms. Neither Sweepsify nor its officers, employees or sales associates directly or indirectly provide legal services, representation, or advice. The information available in this blog is meant to provide general information and is not intended to provide legal advice, render an opinion, or provide any specific recommendations. The blog post is not a substitute for competent legal counsel from a licensed sweepstakes lawyer in the state or province where your legal issues exist and the reader is strongly encouraged to seek legal counsel for your specific legal matter. Information contained in the blog may be provided by authors who could be a third-party paid contributor. All information by authors is accepted in good faith, however, Sweepsify makes no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability, or completeness of such information.


Other Pages to Review in This Quick Start Guide:

  1. Best Sweepstakes Management Platform
  2. Sweepsify’s Dictionary Of Sweepstakes Law Terms and Legal Definitions
  3. Sweepstakes Laws Overview
  4. Sweepstakes Management Calculator
  5. Sweepstakes Official Rules
  6. Find a Sweepstakes Company
  7. Find a Sweepstakes Platform